Partners of ebaix

ebaix’ partners are organisations from humanitarian aid and long term cooperation.

These are, to date: the Swiss relief organization Caritas (, Medair (, Heks (, Solidar ( and the Swiss Red Cross (, Mission21 ( as well as Swiss Solidarity ( and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ( .


Other partners include organizations and persons crucial to the implementation of the projects. Among many others, we would like to name in particular:

Ralf Otto from MomoLogue ( , whose clear, methodical viewpoint and systematic approach has been a great contribution to the success of previous projects.
MomoLogue and ebaix were presenting themselves with the common project Learning in good company in the 30th annual ALNAP meeting in Berlin 3rd and 4th of March 2015 and in the Humanitarian Innovation Conference in Oxford 17th and 18th of July 2015.

Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-02 um 08.27.04


Timo Schaub ( , whose experience as a patient and professional cameraman has provided excellent recordings on location. A valuable asset to the post-production process, he is also skilled in graphic and layouting work.
