Learning directly from the affected people

ebaix organises evaluations on-site in the specific countries to gain insight into the prioritized topics (Key learning topics). The evaluations are carried out simultaneously or after the completion of the project activities (Learning from a long-term perspective).

The main focus of these evaluations are the target groups of humanitarian aid, those affected by a disaster as well as the particularly underprivileged, the most vulnerable members of a population. Aid recipients and non-aid recipients are questioned to specific topics and asked for their opinions. Questioning affected groups directly is a great help in gathering positive and negative aspects of the aid provided, and finding suggestions for improving current or future programmes.

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Involving partner organisations and project employees in the evaluation is also an important aspect of this method. They are important sources for putting gathered observations and evaluations into context. They are able to explain specific aspects of the process as well as the decisions of the aid organisations, allowing participants to better understand their point of view.
